And breathe


OK it’s Monday again and I don’t really feel like i’ve got much further in my hunt for a new career. It was half term last week so as few contacts I know were also away (they have kids etc)… So fingers crossed this week will be better.

My list for today is: Update my portfolio , and contact a few more connections etc.

I am majorly trying not to freak out, and remind myself that people do this all the time… Go travelling for a few months, have career breaks, change country. It’s no big deal.

But… what if I never figure out what I want to do?! What then!!! Shall I just sign on the dole and be done with it?!

OK breathe… As the famous and super over used quote goes….

Keep calm, and carry on.

Brain Rainbow

The downfalls of a creative mind: It’s ALL OVER THE PLACE.

Literally. I have so many new ideas all the time, some I think are great, some I just side track and move on. I love concepting. Coming up with ideas for new brands. Ideas to keep homeless people warm during winter (watch this space). For events. For cool apps. For anything!

Advice my best friend gave me last week: You have so many good ideas, just stick to one, and get on with it.

Meh. What if i think it’s good… then it’s not?!

Can’t my job just be ‘Creative for stuff’…? No?


Advice from others

I’ve found so far, talking to people about my career concerns has made me realize I am not alone in this dreaded ‘career cross roads’, which makes me feel a lot better.

You know when you think you’re the only one going through this mildly stressful time, only to realise you’re being a complete baby and need to get a grip. Yep. That’s me.

Luckily, whilst in Dubai I saved a little cash and now can afford (plus the perks of living with the rents) to take a little time to focus on the next move. I think it’s super important not to just rush into something just for the sake of it. As you’ll just find yourself in exactly the same place 6 months later. I feel very lucky for this option as I know this isn’t the case for many. So do not get me wrong on that front. I am grateful!

I think i’ve realised that one of my biggest biggest problems, which I have so often been told by people who know me, and randomers I’ve met along the way is this…I put way too much pressure on myself. I’m an overthinker. I worry about anything and everything. Years of anxiety has made me such an over thinker I end up doing my own head in. I need to have the answers and know what the next 6 months hold. I need to discover the answers to life.

But for the last 6/7 months i’ve really got that shit under control. And right now, I’m metaphorically, grabbing myself, shaking that out of me, and just going with the god damn flow… So… lets see how well that turns out!

A quote I always love, and have been reminding myself of is this:



Ahhhh… Now what.


I am 27 years old and currently at a career cross road.

I wanted to write this blog to keep myself feeling positive and hopeful. By writing out my worries.. discoveries and journies along the way.. In the hope that it will help me figure it all out.

After all, a problem shared is a problem halved. And if I can share my worries with the internet (over 2 billion people).. then, quite frankly I’m on the path to success asap!

Here’s my career stats for far:

Degree in advertising.

Worked the last 5 years in advertising as a copywriter/conception.

Winner of a few awards here and there (I shan’t brag..).

Lived in Dubai for 3 years.

Now back in London.

My old boss in Dubai, once told me: You’re the most unpassionate, passionate person I have ever met. In a meeting perhaps a year ago. I loved so many aspects of my job, but I was just bored of it all.

This has stuck with me. I realized I was unpassionate in my job, and like many people, decide perhaps a company change will spice up my passion again.

So that’s what I did. After a company change, and country change… that passion has not returned.

Admittedly, I have only been back in London 3 months and you may be reading this thinkin ‘bloody heck give it a chance’. I hear you, and agree. But, I have felt like this for around a year now. And after 6 weeks of work back in big old London town, it just sunk in, true and hard: I am not enjoying this god damn job/career… Move the hell on.

So, here I am. In my dressing gown at 9am on a Monday morning, starting this blog. Procrastination? No. Ok, maybe.

But I figured by writing out my thoughts, passions, worries, …It will.. (well I bloody hope) help me map out the next plan.

Wish me luck!